Monday, May 9, 2011

Muay Thai Workouts

So I go to train 3 times a week for 2 hours apiece, and it is a full 2 hours of excercise. When I arrive at 6;30 we start off by jogging for roughly about 2 miles, then we flip truck tires the length of the parking lot, abot 200 feet. After all of that we move inside and start either striking practice or sparring for the remainder of the time, it is all fun and worth it.

Mothers Day Bench

Just yesterday was mothers day and my girlfirend and I made a planter bench as a gift to her. It was 6ft long and has a area on both ends for a planted pot to sit in. From her mothers expression when we showed her , I think she liked it :-)

Muay Thai Training

I have recently started traing in Muay Thai over at OC Muay Thai in Seal Beach. The workouts are very intense and actually enjoyable even though they sometimes become extremely difficult. I have followed Muay Thai for a very short period of time and instantly became intrigued by it, the style and effectiveness all are awesome.I plan on contiuing to train here for many years to come.